Gary Tom
Doctoral student in the Matter Lab
Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Sandford Fleming 3207
10 King's College Road
Toronto, Canada
Hello! My name is Gary (he/him). More on what I’m up to on the projects page.
I am currently a chemistry doctoral student at the University of Toronto, supervised by Prof Alán Aspuru-Guzik. I am interested in applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence to chemistry and materials discovery. Some projects I have been involved in include inverse design of organic molecules using generative models, probabilistic prediction of molecular properties, and new graph-based representations of chemicals.
Previously, I completed my MSc in physics at the University of British Columbia, supervised by Prof Sarah Burke at the Quantum Matter Institute. My work was in experimental condensed matter physics, studying small photovoltaic molecule on surfaces using scanning tunnelling microscopy and luminescence, and atomic force microscopy. My master’s thesis can be found here.
My BSc was in physics and life sciences, which I obtained at McGill University. Among other research internships, I went on to complete an honours thesis with Prof Peter Grütter, using computer vision techniques to examine neurite width in scanning electron microscopy images.